Road To California 2019

Gina Perkes - INNOVA Dealer - The Copper Needle Quilt Shop


The 2019 Quilt Show season is under way! 


Gina Perkes is teaching the first ever classrooms with the new M Series INNOVAs.


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Best of Show - Nancy Arseneault

Quilt Fiesta Santa Fe 2018

Nancy Arseneault wins best of show at the Quilt Fiesta Sante Fe 2018! We are so incredibly proud of you Nancy, way to go!


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INNOVA M24 Released


INNOVA M24 Released

After many years of research and development, INNOVA Longarm released the M24 to the public at the 2018 Houston Market. This machine is completly redesigned. With new features like the new led light system,  integrated lightning stitch, and fully adjustable handles, the new M24 is a showstopper. Visit Houston Festival to see the M24 on display. Contact a dealer near you for details.


1001 Avenida de las Americas

Houston, Texas  77010

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Quilt Market Houston

Jo's Quilting Studio will once again represent INNOVA Longarm arm at this year's Quilt Market Houston. The Market is coming up this weekend and we are so excited for you to join us at our booth. 


Market Info 


Quilt Market Houston

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Best of Show at Coastal Prairie Quilt Guild Show

Sally Staner and Lisa Patterson won best of show

last weekend at the Coastal Priaire Quilt guild show in Stafford, TX. The show was held at the Stafford Centre. There were many beautiful quilts on display. Take a look at some of the entries below.


Follow Lisa!

Instagram: @quilting_fairy 


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World Quilt New England

INNOVA Longarm at

World Quilt New England



INNOVA had 12 longarms for fun and learning in Manchester, NH last weeked. 


INNOVA displayed a beautfuil booth thanks to the team at Olde City Quilts.



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Stitcher Paradise 2018

Stitcher Paradise presented by The Florida Quilting Center


The Florida Quilting Center hosted the 2nd annual Stitcher Paradise at the Hilton St, Petersburg, FL. Many traveled to see all the latest from INNOVA® Longarm.


(Hands on demo with Jen from The Florida Quilting Center)


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NEW Clear Plastic Feet by INNOVA®

NEW Clear Plastic Feet by INNOVA®


INNOVA® has released new sets of clear plastic feet. Couching, Echo, and Standard feet are now available at your local dealer.




Set of Clear Plastic Standard Feet: $129.00

Set of Clear Plastic Couching Feet: $129.00

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Grand Format Embroidery

Watch AutoPilot Mach 3 Grand Format Embroidery 


In February 2018 INNOVA introduced Grand Format Embroidery to the longarm quilting world.

With the addition of this component the INNOVA AutoPilot Mach 3 system becomes a hoop free embroidery system.

Grand Format Embroidery gives the quilter/embroiderer the option to run a digitized embroidery pattern file and includes the Path Apply feature which gives the quilter endless creative advantages in creating their own applique and embroidery designs.


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INNOVA Longarm on The Quilt Show

Watch the INNOVA Longarm on The Quilt Show!


Alex Anderson and Ricky Tim’s bring you the friendliest interactive online community for quilters worldwide! Join today to
learn, share, create, connect and watch Alex and Ricky in brand new episodes of "The Quilt Show"!


To watch for free from May 27-June 3, 2018! Click Here  

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Heidi's Longarm Quilting Center Grand Opening

Heidi's Longarm Quilting Center Grand Opening



We are happy to announce that Heidi's Longarm Quilting Center is now Open. Located in Calimesa, CA, Heidi's has all your INNOVA quilting needs. Stop by to check out all things INNOVA Longarm.


For a video of the open house click


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AutoPilot Mach3

We gave everyone a sneak peak of AutoPilot Mach3 at Quilt Market in November. So what's the scoop?!?! 

Currently Mach3 is being thoroughly tested. We have a great team of Beta testers and they are working on it daily. This helps us ensure that when it does go out to everyone, it's got 99% of the quirks worked out. We try our best!

So what is it and why is it called Mach3?!

Glad you asked! Mach3 is all new software, not an update from your current software. We are working out the steps to make sure that goes smoothly too. As usual it will come with a set of specific instructions.  It also is going to change features on your Lightning Stitch screen to make it all more user friendly.

Our AutoPilot owners had lots of requests for features. The more we created, the more we found we were limited by the platform our software was designed on. So we had to reinvent the wheel! Time consuming, but so worth it!!!!  We kept the features everyone loves and added as many as we could from our users "wish list".

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Meet Teresa Silva!

We are so excited to introduce you to Teresa Silva! We've shared many pictures from Teresa's Facebook Page "Quilting is my Bliss", which is also the name of her business.

You can find her here:
Facebook: Quilting Is My Bliss 
Instagram: Quiltingismybliss


How long have you owned your Innova?

I bought my Innova in December of 2013. 

What size do you have?

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Meet Tracy McKearney!

Tracy gets to be our first Innova owner interview here on the blog. How exciting!

Tracy's business is named Snow Dog Quiltworks. She has owned her Innova for 5 months now and quilts daily. She is currently stitching on a 22" with Lightning Stitch on a 10' frame. 

Tracy answered a few questions for us about her quilting style.......


How did you get started quilting?

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How Perfect Is That?

Pretty Darn Perfect!!!!!!

Best of Show Paducah 2015 winner Renae Haddadin (front pieced by Karen Kay Buckley) is shown here raising her winning cup high!  Renae is in front of the quilt back, which shows her perfect work in the best way.  She says the Innova with Lightning Stitch has "upped her game".  Well, I guess it has, she has now won Best of Show at Paducah TWO times!  Check out other photos and see the front of the quilt further down in the blogs.  Learn about winning quilt competitions there too!

Way to GO Renae!!!  Congratulations, you're the BEST!!!

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